Monday, 7 March 2011


Driving right over to the cusp of unlistenable and then parking up there with their feet on the dashboard, cigarette smoke drifting lazily out of the window, and clearly not giving much a fuck, Gold Coast, Conneticut feedback fiends No Gang Colors take broad cues from Pig Destroyer and Agoraphobic Nosebleed, and deliver this second original EP (three other discs in their catalogue are pure remixes) with the raw, no-frills aggression of Man is the Bastard. One of the latest releases from J Randall's prolific download-label Grindcore Karaoke (get it here NOW NOW NOW), 'Honorary Cop's deliciously sludgy and discordant 'Streetcleaner'-inspired guitar sound like someone bashing on a static-filled oil drum filled with a steel bar drives the songs out over the aural detritus of samples and feedback squalls they force you to shift through in their four song, six minute power shot of harsh digi-powerviolence. As a bonus, the name is reminiscent of Randall's Twittergate exchange with the much hyped Nails over whether or not the singer is a cop - he isn't and they got all bent out of shape, so hopefully they'll think this is aimed at them. Fingers crossed, because that would be funny.