'Corroded' rewards the attention you invest in it. It functions perfectly well as a strutting, progressive knockabout – the 'grind' in the 'grind 'n' roll' tag representing an undercurrent of discordance and an omni-present intensity, as opposed to any great wall of noise that'll deter the casual listener like Vlad the Impaler's forest of corpses, but the 'roll' is a subtler checklist of influences and a subtler source of delights. Shades of 108 and hand-on-heart, furrow-browed '90s metallic hardcore in the earnest, pleading exhortations, Fugazi and Helmet style hefty grooves, and the genre-straddling contemporary likes of Tombs, Total Fucking Destruction's weirder, Kool Aid-guzzling moments, and maybe even snatches of Mastodon all bubble up from this swirling concoction like mermaids in Crossed Out t-shirts to caress your ears seductively.
seems good i will check out for this... by the way this blog is awesome! i like the varity of guises added to the roll , i do not comment a lot but i try to read all post!!!