Thursday, 17 March 2011


There's no drought of quality powerviolence – no matter what OGs seem to claim. The increasing popularity of fastfastfast hardcore is starting to peel the roof off the genre a bit for the casual fans to peer in like friendly giants, and for the first time in about a million years, it seems like you can start a band for love and eventually have more than the same boring handful of people in Crossed Out t-shirts like it.

The debut full-length (self-released and available for free from their Bandcamp, along with their 2009 demo and recent 7” split) from Canadian trio Six Brew Bantha is a bloody-knuckled riot of death growls, near death riffing, McDonalds milkshake thick powerviolence grooves, a drumsound like logs falling off the back of a lorry as it careens out of control on the motorway, and a mean, single-minded sense of purpose that bats challengers aside effortlessly and tramples them underfoot.

There's no way you can like hardcore/grind/powerviolence/etc and not dig this so hard your shovel buckles.

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