In a very short time, the Wigan-based grindcore trio went from being the sort of furious young hellions that British grindcore lacks, able to get nods of approval from knuckle-dragging death metallers, ADD grindcore fans testing the quality of their coloured vinyl by smell, and pouting, posturing scenebros thanks to a wonderfully ambiguous concoction of shifting, firecracker fretbroad abuse, straight up wailing brutality and tremendous energy, to being pretty much dead in all but name.
“A whole shitstorm of internal bullshit is what happened,” admits guitarist and sole surviving founding member Daniel. “Keith [drums] and Pete [vocals] left the band and I was pretty much left stood alone, this was especially crippling after all the positive reviews, acclaim, sixth best newcomer '09, two UK tours as well as all the other shows and the 'Enclave' release. It basically all went to waste as there was nothing I could do at the time.
So these last two years have been spent writing, rehearsing and getting a new CD together with Brod on drums, formally of Narcosis and currently of The Ergon Carousel, and Chris, former Carmen and current Ergon Carousel also, on vocals.”
Aside from the internal strife, the label that released their well received debut EP vanished less than acrimoniously, leaving more drama in its wake, and seeing more than a few people update their shit lists – not to mention that the label they were first involved with was run by the king of all shit cunts. Daniel confirms that both experiences have soured his attitude towards labels, but he remains pragmatic.

“Seeing as Narcosis were a Wigan-based band and so are Evisorax, I've known Brod and the lads for a long time now,” he expands on how the current line-up came together. “We actually have practice rooms facing one another across a hallway so it was pretty logical. After Keith left I approached Brod as I didn't know of anyone nearby who could help piece this together and move to the next stage as well as being on the same page as me musically. As for Chris, he's the vocalist in The Ergon Carousel with Brod, we'd met before at a show we played and really hit it off so it just seemed a given to ask him if he'd be interested. As for them being permanent, I really hope so but you never know as I learnt with Pete and Keith.
“I was only in my teens when I saw Narcosis on tour with Pig Destroyer and blew me away, I did even realise we were from the same town and had been a big fan ever since. So when it came down to emailing Brod MP3s of the songs I had made on my PC for him to get the ideas to put drums to, it was a bit of ''what the fuck is happening!?' moment, and totally surreal. But Brod's a sterling chap and was great about everything! And Chris is a fantastic guy and has a lot of drive so to hear them both be totally into this and really on board is great. Claiming the main support on the Wormrot tour was a great feeling as it was something I could say to them ''look, this is working'.”
Aside from touring with Singapore grinders Wormrot on the UK leg of their European tour in September, Evisorax have finished work on their first full-length, which is being mastered by Pig Destroyer/Agoraphobic Nosebleed's Scott Hull, and featured some input from Insect Warfare drummer Dobber Beverly who, er, helped them set up and made suggestions.
“This time around I wanted to make the most pissed off, bile fuelled, disgusting, uncomfortable and venomous recording I could,” enthuses Dan about the material. “Like the soundtrack to murdering someone. That you could actually envisage a serial killer slaughtering people whilst he has this record blasting on his MP3 player. Just pure hostility and violence, not that its in any way gore, just totally violent.
“I think it's more straight grind edged this time too, shorter songs but still has everything packed in to it, I think the writing skills have been refined and honed in as well. The concepts are a lot more developed and matured as well. I can't wait to unleash this CD, seriously, I have high hopes for this bastard and hope to get Evisorax back to where it was and further!”
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