Monday, 25 July 2011


Fuck yeah, Whipstriker! You don't even need to hear this to picture leather-clad, pouting neo-punks in skinny fit Discharge t-shirts standing around some sort of contrived oil drum fire, while Fenriz bounces up and down in his computer chair with glee like a baboon with an itchy arse. Who cares what they sound like, send vinyl fast! Mother, get out the sewing machine, I need another patch-... why?! BECAUSE THIS BAND ARE THE BEST IN THE WORLD. NO, SHUT UP, I DIDN'T SAY THAT EXACT SAME THING ABOUT CHILDREN OF TECHNOLOGY LAST WEEK. GOD, SHUT UP, JUST SHUT UP, YOU DON'T KNOW ANYTHING.

Forming in 2008 in Rio de Janeiro as a one-man-band in the Toxic Holocaust model (he's been a live member in Joel Grind's thrash metal circus, so he at least learnt from the master) based around the titular Whipstriker, who's carved out a reputation for himself in metalpunk through tellingly monikered bands like Apokaliptic Raids. With the usual narrow spectrum of influences that can usually be distilled even further to post-2006 Darkthrone, Whipstriker crank out d-beating, Motörcrusting primitivism with no surprises, just enough gritted teeth and mean-spirited groove to soundtrack the local Hell's Angels chapter.

Since releasing their first demo in 2010, 'Midnight Crust', very little has changed sonically, which is to be expected when there's only one of you and the bands you're taking pointers from can be counted on Rick Allen's fingers.

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