Were this any other band than one so stubbornly committed to reclusive cave-dwelling mysticism, it’d be an obvious plea for commercial success - the beefier production, the more accessible melodies lacking the density and primal thunder of, say, 2004’s ‘Autumn Aurora’, are easily the meandering, woodland equivalent of Anaal Nathrakh’s exchange of bowel-loosening, grime-caked terror for more moshpit-friendly party hits. But the crucial difference is that Anaal Nathrakh made their transition without losing their might, and somewhere in the recording process, Drudkh’s once formidable elemental fury that threatened to swallow up the listener like an angry forest with a big angry mouth, has been considerably diminished. ‘A Handful of Stars’ is a fine place for a picnic, the view is chocolate box lovely and the thorns have been cleared from the path, but it makes for an underwhelming full-length when set aside landmarks from their potent past.
Thursday, 9 September 2010
REVIEW: Drudkh ‘A Handful of Stars’ (Season of Mist)
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