Friday, 3 September 2010

COMMENT: Satanic Warmaster probably aren’t Nazis, just idiots

The bête noir of Antifa’s Finnish branch, Satanic
Warmaster ooze Third Reich fetishism from every pore. Sole member Satanic Tyrant Werwolf ambiguously phrased certainly contemporary ideologies which are rooted in Nazism, but without saying whether they were universal healthcare or ethnic cleansing, and hanging around with 100 per cent unrepentant, Sieg Heiling arseclowns like Absurd and Der Stürmer, he allows people looking for a reason to wave pitchforks to construct the reason themselves. Fascism and racism are very real concerns; there are enough genuine hateful idiots around without your kneejerk Antifa bottle-flinger rounding up the 2 + 2.5 to 5 just because it’s a ‘cleaner’ number with no messy uncertainty that keeps you from getting a good old witchunt under way.

Listing the Nazi references is a bit of a duck hunt for a band whose second demo was called ‘Gas Chamber’, but this kind of infantile taboo-busting was old and boring when Satanic Warmaster sprung into being in 1998, and actual evidence about what this jet black dildo genuine believes is thin on the ground. Early demos described his stance as ‘Occult nationalism’, which seems to be a profound belief in two things which are equally stupid and made up, but that hasn’t cropped up since. Although, predictably enough for this blend of bombastic , tremolo-raping hornets’ nest black metal, both are cravenly hinted at by every other song title, as they have been by almost every band in the genre – albeit not quite with Satanic Tyrant Werwolf’s autistic frequency. After over a decade of existence he’s crammed enough Third Reich slogans, lyrics and buzzwords into his album and merchandise to reconstruct ‘Mein Kampf’ a segment at a time like a set of hateful fridge magnets, but he has yet to produce a sentence which actually sets out what he believes, instead hiding behind a set of dull clichés about the blood of dead warriors, marauding wolfpacks and the like.

Satanic Warmaster are worst than fascists, they’re just boring and silly, and their sly little backward glances towards actually coming out and saying something controversial are only offensive to the values of people who are looking to be offended.

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