When and how did you form the band?
"After my former band Arize finished at the end of 2003, I forced my friends to form Darge with me in the summer of 2004. There were four of us to start with, but after a few member changes, we became the current three of us!"
What are your musical influences and what are your favourite bands?
"I'm influenced by SDS and European hardcore and all other punk and hardcore bands, Rafael is influenced by punk, hardcore, grindcore for sure and now he is into metal, doom and stoner, [drummer] Shinnosuke is more eclectic and hybrid! Each of us has a different taste so we don't know why, but we are having fun!"
How is the local scene? What bands are the most friendly, best live spaces for the event, interaction of band and peoples, finally, there is an active scene and support from the public who go to concerts?
"The local scene for punk and hardcore isn't that great but the number of bands and events are increasing so the scene is rising! There aren't any bands who are specially close to us. Everybody has their own ideas and I'm inspired by that. There are some live houses and the bars we can play live in Gifu, but our main venues are Gifu 51 and King Biscuit! Through Rafael, lots of Brazilians, Americans, Argentines and so on, come to our gigs, the audience can enjoy the atmosphere of mixture between Japanese and foreign people. So far we haven't had any trouble between the different type of audiences, they all cooperate with gigs and events.
If lots of trouble happens, bands and live houses will be in difficult situations and the audiences won't be able to have good times, so friends of Darge are helpful!"

"All of Japanese punk and hardcore bands are great! They all support tours and take care of bands from abroad. They are doing very well considering their living conditions. As long as I know. there are no fights neither troubles between different type of people. They all behave according to their own tastes of music, attitudes and fashions!"
In May 2010, Darge toured Brazil. How did you find this tour and how was the experience of living with so many different scenes, places, foods and beverages. Was there anything you disliked? or something that bothered you?
"It was difficult as Darge's first foreign country tour was Brazil but everything was so fresh and very stimulating. People in each places had different band styles, tastes of music and fashion! The most impressive town for me was Goiania, there were so many audiences and the atmosphere was so great, and hot!
And also we were happy playing a cover song of Disclose with yourself, but we decided to do this at the last minute so we had to go and buy a Disclose CD there! Foodwise, I really liked a big hambergar called 'X-Tudo! And churrasco which I had at Cherry from Hell Sakura's place was so tasty! I was surprised there was water with gas and without! I wanted to have the one without but I bought the one with gas by mistake.
"We were expecting some disadvantages before we set off on our Brazilian tour, but we couldn't cope with a hole in the bass drum and the chair for the drums being an ordinary chair, and couldn't get sound out from the bass amp. Even in the most basic environment we can't play without a proper set-up."
Which of the bands that played on that tour were the most impressive?
"The most impressive band I saw in Brazil was Lobotomia! I already liked them before I went to Brazil and I was so glad I could see them playing my favourite song 'Nada e Como Parece' live! And I happened to like a lot of Brazilian bands like No Masters, Death From Above, Desastre, Unfit Scum, Nuclear Frost, Terror Revolucionario, Under the Ruins, DER, etc."
After the Brazil Tour in 2010, MCR Company released a DVD of this tour, how was the production and was it everything the band wanted?
"We made our tour DVD with Mr Yumikes and editing engineer at MCR Company in Kyoto! We decided on the structure of DVD before we went to Brazil but in reality, we couldn't film what we wanted so it didn't work out entirely as planned. We had decided to put some Brazilian bands in our DVD because we wanted Japanese people to know about the bands we saw there. We distributed our DVDs through out the shops in Japan who have connections with MCR Company. We also sent some copies to Brazil! Umm, I don't know about reviews? But we are happy we made a DVD that's as fun and perverse as us!"
What are the next plans of the band?
"We will be releasing CD '4WayForDestruction' from Rafael's label Karasu Killer Records. The idea of making This CD came from our Brazilian tour. This CD includes Darge and Disgust from Japan and Death From Above and Unfit Scum from Brazil! We will be having the CD releasing gig at Gifu 51 on 27 August with Darge, Disgust and Unholy Grave from Nagoya, Riverge from Osaka and GID. I'd like to go to Brazil again but it depends of the money situation and timing! In reality, it's quite tough."
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