In the crusting grindosphere there are few albums as gleefully anticipated as the new jam from Swedish d-beat furies
Victims – yeah, sure, Rotten Sound, Gridlink and Total Fucking Destruction are fairly prominent, and Morbid Angel will drop a new steaming semi-industrial, PVC-clad turd at some point this year too, but all of them come with an element of risk. Victims may not be the 'heaviest', the most out there or the most technically accomplished of that batch, but they deliver satisfying, heart-racing hardcore thrills with absolutely no chance of disappointment. It's inconceivable that 'A Dissident' could be anything other than glistening dis-crust, swaddled in those gossamer thin, cotton candy soft melodic guitar lines, hoarse shoutalong anthems, and peddle pounding drums, driving the whole thing onwards like a gentle spring day when you just suddenly feel like running.
Guess what, 'A Dissident' is absolutely all of that, only with slightly sharper production than 2005's 'Divide And Conquer' and 2008's 'Killer', bringing the subtlety of their unsubtly to the fore - sort of like being able to see the bevels on a Lego brick. Forever the perfect antithesis to the rest of vocalist/bassist Jon Lindqvist's discography, the acutely weaponised aggression of the late, irreplaceable
Nasum and scarcely active brutalists
Sayyadina, Victims get you so pumped up that you want to punch yourself in the face and spit blood at passers by.
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