Having established that if he were to put a cherry on a turd, AxCx fans would still eat it and endless propagate its alleged brilliance, the one-time noisegrind pioneer has cooked up the biggest, squelchiest turd he can in order to make his loyal following the butt of the joke. Not a bad record at all, 'Fuckin' A' is kinda unremarkable and irrelevant in the grand scheme of your musical life – a weakly produced, slurry of cod-rock warbling and hummable riffs that you can rest assured his diehard fans, basically a sort of chubby grindcore jugallo type creature, will derive no genuine pleasure from. Instead they'll just hoot amongst themselves about how funny it was, like your school friends used to do after coming back from watching NoFX or Bowling for Soup. Everyone else will gain some small joy from the actual music, and a great deal of mirth witnessing people pretend to be into it as Seth finally achieves the seemingly impossible by stringing along his own deeply jaded fanbase.
fuck yeah
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