Tuesday 4 May 2010

REVIEW: An Autumn For Crippled Children 'Lost' (ATMF)

A release by the tellingly monikered A Sad Sadness Song, the weepy/chin-stroking division of Italy's premier black metal crypto-fascists (“The three principles of nowadays 'égalité, liberté, fraternité' that were aborted from the French revolution here are perceived as senseless, offensive and immoral”) ATMF, An Autumn For Crippled Children are more than just a brilliant band name and some dodgy friends.

Opening with delicate brush strokes across a watercolour landscape evocative of later Primordial, this Dutch trio drag simple beauty into heartwrenching depths of depressive, howling, raw black metal like (if you'll excuse the plunge into outright pretentious wankery) John Everett Millais' depiction of the drowning of Ophelia. Building steadily to a thunderous conclusion, like a body bound for a waterfall, as more and more layers are thrown up, walling in the gentle instrumentals with a lo-fi battery drenched in distortion and leaden reverb, somewhere between NeurIsisian thunder and the pastoral unpleasantness of Drudkh.

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